In my last year of high school, I wrote a TED talk-like speech for my school which outlined some conclusions I had drawn up throughout my 6-year programming career as a sore thumb. I have little to support the conclusions I make here beyond my own experiences, but people still seem to agree with me sometimes, so I'll keep making them. I'll insert an excerpt of the speech here as a starting block for the exploration I hope to do through this blog.
As a disclaimer (and one I mentioned before I started the speech), this was directed towards the majority of the population that hasn't programmed before. It's difficult to phrase a speech like this without insulting someone's intelligence, so I can only beg for forgiveness. When I use the word 'probably,' I use it literally, as most of the general audience has probably never played with code before. Practically, however, it's probably going to be the programmers who will read this, so I'll just go ahead and dig my own grave here:
These are the problems I see in the world as it stands. How to fix it? I want to see how I can create an online curriculum for CS that can later be applied on a much larger scale. My aims are to convey a seemingly esoteric discipline to unorthodox (ie, non-engineering) students, which will explore education in a much deeper level than just teaching syntax. There are good CS teachers out there and good teaching websites are emerging, so this is a well-timed enterprise, or so I hope.
As a disclaimer (and one I mentioned before I started the speech), this was directed towards the majority of the population that hasn't programmed before. It's difficult to phrase a speech like this without insulting someone's intelligence, so I can only beg for forgiveness. When I use the word 'probably,' I use it literally, as most of the general audience has probably never played with code before. Practically, however, it's probably going to be the programmers who will read this, so I'll just go ahead and dig my own grave here:
Technology is everywhere. It’s what travels in our pocket, what helps us learn and procrastinate, what characterizes our era. Between NASA, Google, and Intel, you know I hardly need to tell you how important technology is nowadays, so isn't it at least a little weird that you probably can’t answer the next question?
What is computer science?
The past fifteen years may have seen the rise of the internet, Facebook, iPhones, paired with their own movies and memorials, but it’s also been witness to a constant decline in high school CS education. Every year, fewer and fewer high schools are teaching programming; right now, less than 40% of high schools offer a programming course, let alone anything beyond the introductory level, let alone one with a teacher with a grain of experience. It’s bad, really bad.
You know it’s bad because you probably don’t know anything about computer science.I know it’s bad because the fact that I was taught by a competent teacher for multiple years makes me a huge exception in the programming community. I've done frontier-pushing things in high school, not because of some inherent genius talent, but because it’s a new field and I've programmed for more years than most college students. I have my teacher and Viewpoint School to thank for that.
The current state of CS, through the eyes of a silly high school student:
· Taught almost only in college.
That’s four years, max. Imagine a poet teaching a class of 18-year-olds English for the first time, and give them four years to do it. What’s the learning experience like? The students would think all of English is all alphabet and grammar, would find it boring, technical, and random. They probably won’t even reach close to the interesting parts of English, reading literature and writing poetry, because it’s hard for people as old as 18 to learn totally new tricks. Same goes for programming—we’re teaching almost grown adults the necessary but boring basics, and it’s all they ever experience in computer science. That’s why so many say programming is boring; they never got past learning the alphabet. They never even got close to poetry.
· Programming should be predominantly self-taught.
This is a fairly accepted idea, and it’s what’s happening right now. In high school, basically no alternative exists. In college, most classes are structured to make students spend a ridiculous amount of time experimenting on their own. Forcing a student to learn without a teacher goes against the entire point of education, especially for a discipline so conceptually different than others. Some programs do work, but in my experience, the number is low.
Anyways, who would do their math homework if they had no teacher or assign or check it? Answer:
· Antisocial Engineers.
That stereotype. What's sad is I can’t deny that it’s totally untrue, and I am sure that’s because of the inaccessibility of programming to most developing minds. It's not that only the Zuckerbergs of the world can program, but that they are the few that are attracted to the field despite its reputation as inaccessibly, impossibly hard and somehow un-human. While these individuals have done incredible good for the field and our world, I think that the lack of more diverse minds really constrains not only future innovations in computing, but also the future of human thought.
I personally never connected to the stereotype. When I think of programming, I don’t think of developing apps or solving complex puzzles. I think of articulating the dynamics of society and the world better than books can, and of bytes of code that hold more power than paper words. There's a brilliance to the field that seems unappreciated and unexploited by most minds, which I believe could mold and inspire so many more people than those who would consider themselves programmers.
Every other discipline has a fair argument for how misrepresented or badly taught they are on a mass scale, but few have such a good argument as computer science.
These are the problems I see in the world as it stands. How to fix it? I want to see how I can create an online curriculum for CS that can later be applied on a much larger scale. My aims are to convey a seemingly esoteric discipline to unorthodox (ie, non-engineering) students, which will explore education in a much deeper level than just teaching syntax. There are good CS teachers out there and good teaching websites are emerging, so this is a well-timed enterprise, or so I hope.
I completely agree with every point you’ve made in your essay. Your thoughts on the disappointing condition of computer science education and observation that, “the lack of more diverse minds [in computer science] really constrains not only future innovations in computing, but also the future of human thought” reflect my own personal feelings and experiences.
ReplyDeleteComputer science classes at my high school were taught in a mundane fashion that stressed syntax and preparation for the AP exam above all else. There was no attempt to make computer science interesting, much less “poetic”. Consequently, I developed an unfair, negative bias that CS was boring and esoteric. Even though I had an interest, this bias stopped me from making a serious effort to become a self-taught coder.
Finally, at Stanford, I decided to enroll in CS106A, and, to my surprise, it is quickly becoming my favorite class. I love the way computer science, when taught properly, forces me to rely my sense of logic and creativity to solve problems.
Although I accept a responsibility for my lack of coding experience to date, I still wish I had an earlier, positive educational experience with computer science. Even if it had been a fleeting experience, it may have motivated me to become self-taught.
In moving forward with you blog, I would be interested in reading about the possibility of early computer science education, potentially starting in elementary school. It seems to me that basic principles of computer science would teach elementary students many of the same skills (problem-solving, pattern recognition, decomposition, syntax, basic math) that they learn through other exercises. Of course, in addition to learning these “soft” skills, students would be gently introduced to the technical realm of computer science.
Very important topic, and one that a lot of folks at Stanford are working on! Steve Cooper worked on Alice, a programming language for kids. Paulo Blikstein actively works with kids and uses things like 3d printers and Scratch. Mehran Sahami and Eric Roberts do a lot of research and work in general on CS education. Some Stanford students started CodeHS, and some non-affiliated people started Code Now and Code Hero. Let me know if you need intros to any of those folks.
ReplyDeleteGalina, I'm very glad that you are tackling this topic and I'm on board with everything you're saying. I was fortunate enough to go to a high school that offered six different CS classes taught by competent teachers, but there was still a nerdy stereotype surrounding students in the higher-level courses.
ReplyDeleteIt was mandatory for everyone at my school to take an Introductory Java course before their junior year. There's a chance I would have never started programming if I hadn't taken that class, and now I intend to major in CS. It might be a stretch to look into making an introductory CS course mandatory, but I'd love to know if it would lead to students beginning to like programming who would have never even thought about it otherwise.
Like Zach, I also think it would be beneficial to introduce computer science to elementary school students. A young woman from my high school who is now a junior in college used Story-Telling Alice (a version of the "Alice" Sam mentioned) to teach a CS class to elementary-aged students as part of a research project, and had positive results. I took a look at Story-Telling Alice because I was interested in helping her with her project, and it's a visual and colorful learning environment for object-oriented programming that I could easily see young children catching on to. You should check it out. Good luck with your research.
Interesting topic, Galina! I am very interested in studying technology and education in general, so I'm excited to read more about your research delving specifically into the way that computer science is tackled by (or, rather, isn't tackled by) school curriculums today. One idea you might want to consider for your blog is discussing how pieces of CS material could be integrated and weaved into school courses that are already mandatory. For example, what if ordinary math courses had a month-long CS unit for students, just to explore this new field a bit? This might serve as a nice balance - the curriculum would not force students to take an intensive Computer Science course against their will, but the curriculum also wouldn't just offer a small, optional CS class that students might be, as you mentioned, disinclined to enroll in for whatever reason.
DeleteAnother idea is, if you wanted to encourage more people to get involved in CS and attract more "diverse minds" to the field, maybe English teachers, for example, could be encouraged by educational institutions to draw more references to Computer Science material in class. Seeing a humanities teacher's interest and knowledge of CS might demonstrate to students that they, too, should consider expanding their own breadth of knowledge by looking into Computer Science classes.
This year, my old high school is offering an Introductory Computer Science course for the first time. I think that if they had offered the CS course a year earlier, when I was still a student there, I probably would have taken the class. I wonder how having the opportunity to take a CS course could or would have changed my academic focus, and that of other students from my school, as they entered college the following year. There are certainly pros and cons to taking a CS course during one’s senior year of high school, not taking one at all and instead waiting to take one in college, or taking a CS course much earlier in one’s academic career.